Retention Requirements for Social Media
Social media posts or comment interactions are considered public records. However, there is no separate schedule for social media. They should be retained according to their content, rather than the fact that they are delivered via social media. Since these posts are often used by agencies to disseminate information to the public they are thus duplicates of announcements or news releases; only the originals need be retained. If social media is used to have two-way communication it is considered correspondence and retained accordingly. Public comments with no response from the agency, and copies or re-posts of others’ social media posts, need not be retained.
If a record of public availability or promotion of information is required, social media may be retained as long as considered necessary.
1. Transitory Records ADM-GMT-26 OBS/SUP 3
Retain 3 years after obsolete or superseded, then destroy.
2. Publicity and Promotion ADM-COM-07 CR 5
Press and News Releases ADM-COM-04 CR 5
Destroy 5 years after create date
3. Correspondence - Directors ADM-GMT-03 PERM
Correspondence – Elected Officials ADM-GMT-04 PERM
Retain permanently
4. Correspondence - General ADM-GMT-05 CR 3
Retain 3 years after create date, then destroy
In the above list, CR stands for "from date created," and OBS/SUP means until Obsolete or Superseded. If you prefer to keep all social media for your own reference, it's fine to use a third party vendor like ArchiveSocial, Smarsh, Pagefreezer, etc. or simply a screen shot of your post. Just keep in mind that most social media doesn't need to be retained for very long.
Further information on email and social media records can be found in these documents:
Click on the orange icons below to open the documents.