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State Historical Records Advisory Board to meet February 3


The Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board will meet via video conference at 1 p.m., Thursday, February 3.

The conference call-in information is or join by phone: (US)  +1 262-546-6316 PIN: ‪606 888 963#. The meeting is open to the public.

During the meeting the Board will discuss future priorities and plans, including a draft proposal to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, which funds SHRAB programs.  The Wyoming SHRAB promotes the identification, preservation and dissemination of the state’s historical records, by encouraging and supporting ongoing training programs for state, tribal and local governments, local repositories, organizations, and others involved in records care in Wyoming.

The program is administered by the Wyoming State Archives, which is part of the Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. For further information on the Wyoming SHRAB or the grant projects it sponsors, visit its website:

An executive session may be called, if necessary.

For further information please contact Sara Davis, Wyoming State Archivist, at 307-777-8691 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..