Copy Prices and Rules

Copy Prices and Rules



The Wyoming State Archives is pleased to provide reproductions of our textual, visual, and audio materials, when such reproductions will not damage the original, or violate copyright or state statute.  These prices apply for the general public and government agencies. 


You may use your camera to photograph our unrestricted items.

Users are also encouraged to make use of our self-service scan to PDF option, downloading onto their own USB drives. 






All photocopying is subject to approval, based upon preservation and copyright compliance.

11" x 17" and smaller $.50.

Self-service copies, including microfilm reader/printer copies


Self-service scans

 No charge


Digital scans by staff



Document (non-photos smaller than 11”x17”)


Map (originals over 11”x17”)


Audio and video duplication

Please ask staff


Student fees

Photocopies $.10; photographs $1 per scan (no discounts on other reproductions)

Microfilm duplicates

$36 per roll, plus shipping

High school transcripts



$3 per record or case file


$5 per record or case file

*Note: The Wyoming State Archive does not provide photographic prints or printed map copies larger than 11" X 17" in size.

Orders are processed in the order in which they were received. Please allow 10 business days for scanning orders, and up to 30 days for print orders. Please contact the Wyoming State Archives for details regarding large orders which may take an extended period to fill.  Please use our Photo Request Form (below).

Scanned orders filled by staff are sent via Google Drive. 


Commercial use of photographs also requires the payment of a commercial use fee.  See the Commercial Use Fee Schedule for specific information.  There is no fee for non-commercial use.  However, for all uses, an Application for Permission to Publish is required. 


Publishing or reproducing photographs requires a digital scan request and the submission of a Use Agreement, along with any associated fees.