Visit the Archives

Visit the Archives

The Wyoming State Archives is open to the public.  




Stuck at home? Explore our digital resources!



Open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.

Closed holidays (see below)


Wyoming State Archives
Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: 307-777-7826
Fax: 307-777-7044


Two (2) hour parking is available on street in front of building (Central Avenue). A full-day visitor parking lot is located on the north side of the building off of Warren Avenue, just before 24th Street.



New Year's Day

January 1st*

Wyoming Equality Day/MLK Day

Third Monday in January

President's Day

Third Monday in February

Memorial Day

Last Monday in May

Independence Day

July 4th*

Cheyenne Day

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 

**Closing at noon

Labor Day

First Monday in September

Veterans Day

November 11th*


Fourth Thursday in November


December 25th*

*If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the Office will be closed the day before (Friday). If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the Office will be closed the next day (Monday).

Click "More Options" to open the map in a new tab and to type in your address for directions.

New to researching at an archive? Never fear! Our staff is here to help guide you through our collections.


Before your visit


During your visit


Unable to visit us in person?

We offer research help! Staff and dedicated volunteer researchers can assist with research and make copies. We just ask that you keep the size of your request manageable, as we are only able to devote 1 staff hour to each person’s request. Email is preferred, but you can also mail, call or fax your request.

Wyoming State Archives
Barrett Building
2301 Central Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002

fax 307-777-7044